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International Business Management


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International trade and investment have been growing at a phenomenal speed after globalization and liberalization. The establishment of the WTO and UNCTAD proved to be a milestone in the history of international business. These developments require manpower on a large scale. Knowledge about international business is also required for businessmen to develop global perspective to manage their business.

Recognizing the important of the subject, many Universities and B-School have introduced ‘International Business Management’ as a subject at graduate level.

Today, students who study business management are drawn from different disciplines and most of them do not have commerce or economics or business management background. Moreover, in the present system of study, a vast and complex subject like ‘International Business Management’ has to be mastered in a short period of time.

Keeping these aspects in mind, a comprehensive book about international business management is written in a lucid and simple style. The complexities of international Business management is presented in simple and understandable language and the integrated flow is maintained throughout this book.

The present book contains 19 chapter and each chapter begins with learning objective and ends with summary. The size of the text is deliberately kept limited to suit the time frame.


Contents –

1. International business – An Overview
2. International Business Environment
3. Theories of international Trade
4. Policy Framework for Global Trade
5. Foreign Direct Investment
6. Regional Trade Blocks
7. World Trade Organisation
8. Country Evaluation and Selection
9. International Strategy, Organisation and Control
10. Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
11. Financial Management in International Business
12. Management of Exchange Rate Risk
13. Global Human Resource Management
14. Marketing Management in Global Business
15. Ethics and Social Responsibility
16. Conflicts and Negotiation in International Business
17. Export Import Procedures and Documentation
18. Multinational Enterprises
19. E-commerce and International Business


Year of publication






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Student Dollar Price




Dr. Mrs. M. Jeyarathnam


Himalaya pub