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International Marketing


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This is a book about International Marketing in the simplest and most direct form. Our goal was to write a book that explains the academic subject of International Marketing in a way that is readable, practical and timely. We want students to appreciate how valuable International Marketing activities are to organizational success.

We hope the readers would find the writing style in International marketing carefully blends International Marketing concepts and practical examples to help students grasp the essence of International Marketing. The book tries to put many of the different concepts, which are scattered throughout the literature, into one concise framework. In a sense, it constitutes a tool kit for the students of International Marketing without which he might find it different to comprehend much of the literature in the area.


Contents :

1. The Nature and Scope of International Marketing
2. Features of International Marketing
3. Need for International Trade
4. Imports and Exports of India
5. Past-Liberalisation Export-Import Policy
6. Government Regulations-Exchange Control, FERA 1973, Customer Law, FEMA (1998)
7. Agencies Helping International Marketing and Measures Taken for Export Promotion
8. Marine Insurance
9. Clearing and Forwarding of Cargo
10. Trade Practices: A Base for International Marketing
11. International Trade Agreements and Agencies For Promoting International Co-Operation
12. Trade Blocks
13. Overseas Marketing Communication
14. International Marketing in Service Sector Industry (E-Marketing)
15. Methods of Payments for Settlement
16. South-East Asian Financial Crisis and Marketing
17. International marketing Research
18. Product Development for Overseas Market
19. Multinationals marketing and Joint Ventures
20. Case Studies on International Marketing
21. Documents Used in Shipment of Goods




Year of publication





580 (In Grams)

Library Dollar Price




B.M. Jani,

Dr. B.S. Rathor,

J.S. Rathor


Himalaya pub