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Introduction to Marketing Management (With Case Studies)

Student Price 115.00

SKU: c187326320b6 Category:

It given us great pleasure to present the first edition of Introduction to Marketing Management to the students of Bachelor of Management Studies. This book is written on the lines of the syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai. We have included case studies to enable the students to learn the application of marketing principles.

We request the teachers, students and others to provide constructive suggestions to further improve the contents and quality of this book.

Book Content of Introduction to Marketing Management (With Case Studies)
  1. Introduction to Marketing Concept
  2. Marketing Mix and Marketing Organisation Structure
  3. Marketing Information and Research
  4. Marketing Research Process
  5. Buyer Behaviour
  6. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Prositioning
  7. Product Concept, Product Life Cycle and New Product Development
  8. Branding, Packaging and Services
  9. Managing Distribution (Part I)
  10. Managing Distribution (Part II)
  11. Promotion
  12. Price
  13. Social Responsibility
  14. Consumerism / Consumer Protection Act and Business Ethics
  15. Case Studies