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Introductory Statistics for Economics And Indian Economic Development


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It is immense pleasure on our part to being out the first edition of Himalaya Publication’s ‘Introductory Statistics for Economics and Indian Economic Development’ for the students of class XI CBSE. The edition has been prepared strictly according to the syllabus of Economics prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education (Delhi) and NCERT. Our book is very compact, concise, to the point and strictly based on CBSE syllabus. This book is remarkable due to its lucidity of expression and right choice of direction. This book is enriched with economic explanation of both microeconomics and macroeconomic ideas with real-life example, diagrams, mathematical formulae and derivation along with numerical problems – solved and unsolved and CBSE question scanners with appendix. We are very much confident that this book is going to cater the need of young scholars and respected teachers of several reputed institution. We sincerely invite suggestion for improvement from all readers of the book, teachers and students alike.

Contents :

1. Introduction to Economics and Statistics
2. Collection of Data
3. Organisation of Data : Classification
4. Presentation of Data
5. Measures of Central Tendency or Averages
6. Measures of Dispersion
7. Correlation
8. Index Number
9. Mathematical Tools Used in Economics: Some Basic Concepts
10. Steps of Preparing Project in Economics
11. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
12. Goals of Five Year Plans
13. Features, Problems and Policies of Agriculture, Industry and Foreign Trade
14. New Economic Policy – Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globlisation
15. Problem of Poverty
16. Rural Development
17. Human Capital Formation
18. Employment and Problem of Unemployment
19. Inflation : Problem and Policies in India
20. Infrastructure
21. Environment and Sustainable Economic Development
22. A Comparative Study between India, China and Pakistan


Year of publication







730 (In Grams)

Book Code

Library Dollar Price




Dr. Abhijit Das,

Dr. Kalyan Basu


Himalaya pub