Investments in Stock Market (NEP, Karnataka)


SKU: SSG0175 Category:

The meticulous and gradual creation and regulation of capital markets by developing nations and emerging economies will provide a significant push to maintaining their development efforts and economic growth in today’s increasingly institutionalised and globalised financial markets. The primary and secondary markets, investment opportunities in India, and the capital market’s regulating body, SEBI, are all covered in this textbook on the foundations of investment in capital markets.

Even though understanding every aspect of finance may not be of interest to everyone, there are some fundamental financial concepts that we should all be aware of, such as how to use a dematerialization account, conduct online trading and investing, save and invest our money, and decide how much of our income goes where.

This book is suitable for non-commerce students with a basic to intermediate understanding of financial decisions on stock market investments as well as for beginning and intermediate readers. In order to help you make sound financial decisions as part of a wider economy of financial actors, this book will expose you to a conceptual and practical framework. To aid in learning, the information is presented visually.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Investment
2. Risk and Returns on Investment
3. Investment Analysis
4. Investing in Stock Market
Skill Developments Activities




Year of publication





208 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Babu V.,

Jagdish N.,

Mini K. Abraham,

Safeer Pasha M.


Himalaya pub