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Kaleidoscopic Perspectives of Research in the Globalized Era


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Globalization has almost become an all encompassing process that involves a very beneficial integration of regional and national economics with international economics within the context of societal, cultural, economic, technological, political and biological factors of globalized era and the process is being driven by the global network of communication, transportation and trade. It has given a total facelift to the overall international scenario and the whole world is caught in the whirlwind of forces creating new challenges every moment. This integration transcends all narrow interests, viewpoints and binds the world to a common destiny. The economics are undergoing a crucial metamorphosis that is forcing them to shed all inhibitions, making them do away with unnecessary controls to match the rising competition in the world market. The bureaucratic machinery is loosening up its clutches to let newly coming up businesses to breathe freely in the ea of globalization. At every footstep, you see the effects of the globalization, new infrastructure is being created, markets are buoyant with new promises for a better future, and developing economics are throbbing with life. The whole scene is an encouraging picture and giving us new found hope of bringing prosperity to all sections of the society. Now every human field and human activity is gearing up to face the new challenges with befitting solutions to the crucial issues. It`s due to globalization we are witnessing a paradigm shift in the attitude of developed economics to accommodate the rising economics into the new world order. At this critical juncture, the onus of responsibility falls on every entity in the world, be it technology, be it business, be it industry or academia. The intelligentsia around the world is convinced that the whole process of globalization needs a strong base of supporting research and we all know that research has been the main driving force behind all the progress humankind has achieved so far and it assumes great significance in the present scenario as knowledge has grown manyfold. The crucial changes are happening, both at macro and micro levels. The big business houses are fine tuning their policies to suit the global standards and emergence of middle class is an interesting behavioral aspect that needs to be researched. Europe and America owe their spectacular progress and prosperity to the tremendous strides they have taken in the field of research. This has to be a great motivator for all of us if we wish to take our country to the apex of progress in the twenty-first century.

In the light of this fast changing ambience, the book titled, ‘kaleidoscopic Perspectives of Research in the Globalization Era’ assumes a great significance for academia in general of academic institutions in particular when burgeoning Indian economy necessitates a strong research base. Research spurs more research and the time of publication of such scholarly research work is much more opportune when all of us are talking about turning our academic institutions into research hubs of tomorrow and that`s what is badly needed. The book of this kind serves a very crucial purpose of igniting young minds, teaching them the virtues of quality research work, orienting them in research methodology, inculcating a sense of academic discipline in them so that we get scholarly research done by our young generation. Compared to Europe and America, we are lagging far behind as far as research is concerned and now the time is apt to bridge this gap. So, the publication of this book makes us doubly happy for the very reason of serving the most urgent requirement on the agenda of nation building.

Contents :

      1. Using the Case Study Research Method in Supply Chain Management: An Example from a Pharmaceutical Company
        − Dr. H. S. Cheema, Prof. Subroto Chatterjee.
      2. Consolidating the BPO Advantage
        − Mrs. Hermione Salazar.
      3. Organization Development: Present and Future
        − Dr. Sarita Kumari.
      4. A Predictive Model for Customer Churn in Telecom Industry
        − Prof. Jayalekshmi K. R.
      5. Role of Ambience in Customer Pulling
        − Dr. (Mrs.) Meena R. Chandawarkar, P. Mohankumar.
      6. A Comparative Study of Customer Preference for LCD and PLASMA Colour TV: An Overview.
        − Dr. Mukul A. Burghate, Prof. Nitin A. Kubde.
      7. Evaluation of Marketing Performance of Dairy Industry in Western Maharashtra in Post-liberalization Period
        − Prof. Samadhan K. Khamkar.
      8. A Comparative Study Between Airtel and Vodafone Users in City of Mumbai
        − Dr. H. S. Cheema, Prof. Vinay Pandit.
      9. A Study of Customer Satisfaction towards Shopping Malls in Mumbai
        − Dr. H. S. Cheema, Prof. Arun Poojari.
      10. The Role of Co-operative Sugar Factories in the Development of The Economy of Maharashtra, with Special Reference to the Malegaon Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.
        − Prof. Gopa Das.
      11. A Empirical Study on the Demographic Pattern Influencing the Preferences of the Farmers towards Green Products
        − Dr. H. S. Cheema, Prof. M. Gowarri Shankar.
      12. A Study on Consumer Co-operatives in the Region of Mumbai
        − Dr. H. S. Cheema, Prof. Sneha Chavan
      13. Marketing of Bank`s Credit Cards
        − Prof. Shailesh S. Shrivastava.
      14. Economic Security against Rising Risks in Agriculture and Allied Sectors
        − Prof. Priti Pravinchandra Chheda.
      15. Employee Engagement in Today`s Changing Scenario
        − Dr. Anjankumar Maiti.
      16. A Study of Production and Marketing of Raisins in Nashik District
        − Dr. Adinath More.
      17. Growing Importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities in Corporate Houses
        − Prof. Sudha Singh.
      1. Difference between Indian Accounting Standards and IFRS with Special Reference to Insurance Sector in India
        − Dr. Madhu Gupta, C. A. Subhash Pralhad Desai.
      2. Accounting Maintenance System: An Overview
        − Dr. S. T. Gadade, Dr. Kaustubh Sontakke.
      3. Protecting Investors: An Overview
        − Dr. Kaustubh A. Sontakke, Dr. Kruttika K. Sontakke.
      4. ATMs and their Impact on Indian Banking Industry
        − Dr. Prof. Sapna Modi.
      5. Challenges before Factoring Companies in Financing MSMEs
        − Dr. Nishikant Jha, Prof. Rajkumar Tiwari.
      6. FDI and FII Impact on BSE SENSEX: Reality and Myth
        − Prof. Rajan J. Nandola.
      7. IFRS in Retail Sector
        − Prof. Rajeshri Soni, Prof. Ganesh Tondlekar.
      8. Managerial Emphasis in respect of State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. with the help of Accounting Equation
        − Prof. Kharat Rahul S.
      9. Reverse Mortgage: The Indian Scenario
        − Dr. Prof. Shital A. Vakilna.
      10. An Accounting Outstanding: A Global Scenario
        − Dr. Shrikrishna S. Mahajan, CA. Aditya A. Sontakke.
      11. Crowding In and Crowding Out Impact of FDI on Indian Economy
        − Prof. Aditi Sawant.
      12. Analysis of Cloud Computing for Rural Banking
        − Prof. Sharmila Gaikwad, Prof. Nilesh Rathod.
      13. Technical Performance of Sugar Industry in Maharashtra
        − Dr. Satya Sri. M.
      1. Emotional Intelligence of School and Professional College Students: An Empirical Study
        − Dr. Rajendra Prasad Mohanty, Dr. Shamira Malekar.
      2. Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Khadi Village Industries
        − Prof. Rakhee Kelaskar.
      3. A Study of the Role of CIDCO in the Development of Navi Mumbai with Special Reference to the Period from 1996 to 2002
        − Dr. G. Y. Shitole, Dr. (Mrs.) Elizabeth Mathews.
      4. Cost-effectiveness of the Purchase System of the College
        − Dr. A. B. Rao, Prof. Bharat. D. Karhad.
      5. A Study of Employee Satisfaction in Knowledge Industry w.r.t. HR Functions
        − Prof. Shashi Gupta.
      6. Distance Learners: Perceptions and Performances
        − Dr. Vijayeshwari Rao.
      7. Socio-economic Life of Women in Unorganised Sector
        − Dr. Shashi Mishra.
      8. An Evaluatory Study of Self-help Women`s Thrift Groups in Parbhani District (Maharashtra)
        − Dr. Wawle Vijaykumar Gulabrao.
      9. Yogic Practices and Fitness Components of Boys 16 to 18 Years
        − Prof. Shraddha Jadhav.
      10. Effect of Fartlek and Interval Training on Selected Athletic Events of Boys Aged from 14 to 16 Years
        − Dr. R. D. Mishra, Prof. Vidya Kulkarni.
      11. Service Quality of Hospitals in India
        − Prof. Shivakumar R. Sharma.
      12. Management of Public and Private Hospitals in Madhya Pradesh
        − Prof. Pragya Bhargava.
      13. Role of ICT in Transforming Primary Health Care in Rural Area: Healing through Technology
        − Prof. S. A. Mandavawalla.
      14. Public Health Statistics in Maharashtra: A Comparative Study
        − Dr. Nagendra Nath Pandey, Prof. Ujjvala Ajit Phatak.
      15. Measurement of Quality Governing Factors of Engineering Education
        − Dr. N. D. Junnarkar.
    1. Studies on Cytological Analysis and Genotypic Variation in some Cultivated Varieties of Capsicum Annuum L
      − Dr. Swaranjit Cheema.
    2. On Partial Differential Operators
      − Dr. Prabha S. Rastogi, Prof. Sunil S. Chokhani.
    3. Preview on Differential Operators
      − R. M. Mishra, Prof. Manisha Trivedi, Prof. P. U. Singare.
    4. Impact of Climate Change on Rainfall and Crop Productivity
      − Dr. Chetana Pravinchandra Chheda.

Year of publication








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Dr. H.S. Cheema,

Prof. Kashinath Jadhav


Himalaya pub