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Labour Economics


SKU: PEI0079 Category:

This postgraduate level textbook ‘Labour Economics’ combines depth and breadth of coverage with recent, cutting-edge work in all the major areas of modern labour economics. Labour Economics is the only textbook available for advanced postgraduate students in this field, and it will be widely used. Because of its command of the literature and the freshness of the material included, it will also prove to be a valuable resource for practicing labour economists. The book moves back and forth between factual data and theoretical reasoning. The space devoted to theory reflects the profound theoretical restructuring in the field that has taken place in the last few years. The author presents these developments within a unified pedagogic framework. The book is divided into eighteen chapters such as employment and wage issues, labour market reforms, industrial laws, miscellaneous labour issues, etc. that examines the determinants of labour supply and demand, wage determinants, including the influences of the wage policies of firms and collective bargaining, inequality, thus considers these problems in a macroeconomic setting and “Constitution and Labour Laws” explains about labour market laws and the impact of institutions on labour market performance.


Contents –

1. Concept, Nature, Scope, Significance and Pecularities of Labour Economics
Labour Laws
2. Sources of Law
3. The Constitution of India and Labour Laws
Employment and Wage Issues
4. Employment
5. Wage Determination
Problems of Labour Issues and Labour Market Reforms
6. Migration and absenteeism
7. Labour Market
8. Labour Market Reform
Role of State in Labour Affairs and Trade Union Activities
9. State and Labour
10. Industrial Relations and Trade Unions
Advanced Labour Issues
11. ILO and Related Aspects
Industrial Laws
12. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
13. The Factories Act, 1948
14. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (CLRA) Provisions
15. The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948
16. The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneour Provisions Act, 1952
17. The Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959
Benefits of Labour Education and Relevant Reforms
18. Miscellaneous Labour Issues


Year of publication







818 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price



Suman Kalyan Chakraborty


Himalaya pub