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Management For UGC -NET/JRF/SET


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The Work of giving an introduction to this effort of bringing a marvel in the form of book is come up keeping in mind the selective approach of students and those who many are involved into the tangible and intangible understanding of the subject (Management).

The idea come and crop up to bring this master piece in the form of text book only for those thousands and lakhs of students who are in search of their desired objective and career in the field of Management. The aim of this work is to provide a textbook distinctly covering the basics and intricacies of the topics laid down into the content of this book.

While preparing for academic and different kind of competitive examinations pertaining to the subject relevance , adequate and legible study material is required which may give elaborate idea about the topic in short period of time. An attempt is being made to bring this all requirements of the readers at one platform at the same time in form of this book. This book provide the extensive material in the form of more than two thousand objective type question for the aspirants of various competitive examination in the field of Management.

Also an attempt has been made to cover wide spectrum of contents with illustrations and associated objective type questions followed by their answers. Each section of chapter begins with an outline of contents and learning objectives.

In preparing this edition, a sincere effort has been made towards the clarity in explanation and legibility of the words. Keeping in view the extensive practice to answer objective questions large number of associated objective type questions on respective topics is incorporated.

Contents :

Unit I: Managerial Economics
Unit II: Organization Behaviour (OB)
Unit III: Human Resource Management (HRM)
Unit IV : Industrial Relation & amp; Social Security
Unit V : Financial Management
Unit VI: Marketing Management
Unit VII: Production Management and Operation Research
Unit VIII: Research Methodology and Information Technology
Unit IX: Strategic Management
Unit X: Enterpreneurship Development
Unit XI: Ethics and Corporate Governance
Unit XII: UGC-NET/JRF/SET-Question Papers & Answer Keys