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Management of A Small-Scale Industry

Globally, Micro and small enterprises have been accepted as the engine of economic growth. In Indian economy, the sector (MSME) consisting of 3.15 million units provide employment to over 73.22 million persons. Inaddition, the sector contributes significantly to the manufacturing output, employment, exports and GDP of the country. They also play a key role in the development spirit. Small and medium enterprises play a vital role in propelling the Indian economy. It is time they were provided with a suitably encouraging environment for growth, not just for local growth, but to take India’s growth futher in the global arena.

In the sixty-five year of freedom, India’s economy has seen roller- coaster changes from an environment of free enterprise to a closely controlled regime of centralized planning. From an open-door policy to an atmosphere market by xenophobia and a penchant for self-reliance. Now, things have come full circle.

The book has been divided into Six Sections. Section I deals with General Management aspects relating to small-scale industry. Section II gives a detailed account of production and related issues of small-scale industry. Section III touches upon financial management in all its facets. Section IV dwells upon marketing the products of small-scale industries Section V discusses the various concessions, reliefs and incentives offered to small-scale industry by the Central Government, States and other institutions, including voluntary agencies and Section VI look at the outlook for SME’s.


Contents –

Section I : Framework and Organisation
1. Small Scale Industry: An Overview
2. Legal Framework
3. Organisational Structure
4. Concept of Decision Making and Implementation
5. Planning for Performance
6. Staff Training
7. Rules and Regulations Governing Small-scale Industry
8. Policy Support to Small-scale Enterprises
Section II : Production Management
9. Production in Small-scale Industry
10. Optimum Size of the Plant
11. Production Process
12. Production Planning in Small-scale Industry
13. Production Control
14. Product-mix
15. Cost of Production
16. Full Utilisation of Production Facilities
17. Technical Know-how
18. Technology – The Competitive Weapon
Section III : Financial Management
19. Means of Financing
20. Capital Structure
21. Working Capital Management
22. Working Capital Finance – The Tandon Committee Norms
23. Institutional Financial Assistance
24. Financial and Simple Cost Records
25. Planning and Control of Profit
26. Taxation Benfits
Section IV : Marketing Management
27. Marketing Management
28. Methods of Marketing
29. Marketing Research
30. Pricing policy
31. Distribution Channels
32. Advertising
33. Sales Promotion
34. Sales Management
35. E-commerce: A Golden Opportunity
36. Implications of World Trade Organisation on Small-scale Sector
Section V : Concession and Reliefs to Small-Scale Industry
37. Concession and Reliefs by the Central Government
38. Concessions and Reliefs by State Governments
Section VI : Outlook
39. Global Competitiveness Strategies for Small-scale Industries
40. Export Potentials of Small-scale industries
41. Major Problems of Small-scale Industries
42. Sickness in Small-scale Industries and Remedies
43. Prospects for Small-scale Industries
44. Discover the Future Growth
45. Success Stories
Selected Bibligrraphy


Year of publication







1012 (In Grams)



Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub