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Management (Value-Oriented Holistic Approach)


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In this book `Management Value-oriented holistic approach`, Prof. sherlekar has his anchor in high idealism and yet he evinces a down-to-earth approach. He has admirably synthesized the Indian Wisdom and Insight of the inner personal development and the Western technology and tools of modern management of the outer growth and development of companies and society.

Indian Ethos and insight in Management should act as the the solid base or infrastructure (Value-oriented holistic approach in management and organization) on which the harmonious superstructure of management can be raised by all the tools and techniques of the Western management.

This book can act as a constant ready-reckoner including managers and knowledge workers how to develop the Art of Living a successful and prosperous life as per our Bhagvad Gitta and Indian Ethos.

Book Content of Management (Value-Oriented Holistic Approach)
1. What is Management
2. Management Process (The Functions of Management)
3. Indian Ethos for Management
4. Value-Oriented Holistic Management
5. Evolution of Management Thought
6. Total Quality Management (TQM)
7. Organisational Changes
8. Globalisational & Information Technology (IT)
9. Management In The Future
10. New People Management (NPM)
11. Social Responsibility
12. Decision-Making Process
13. Planning Function
14. Types of Plans-I
15. Types of Plans-II
16. Planning Process
17. The Organisation
18. The Organising Process
19. Delegation And Decentralisation
20. Forms of Internal Organisation
21. Staffing And Management Development
22. Leadership
23. Motivation
24. Communication And Co-Ordination
25. Conflict Management In Organisation
26. Supervision And Controlling
27. Management Controls (Part-I)
28. Management Controls (Part-II)
Appendix 1 : Management-The Indian Way-
Modules for Manage Workshop

Year of publication







648 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Prof. S.A. Sherlekar


Himalaya pub