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Managerial Economics (Sem 2, Telangana Univ)


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Business economics is, essentially, the applied economic science pertaining to business decisionmaking. A working knowledge of economic tools of analysis is very useful to a modern businessman in his decision-making process.

The Government of Telangana under the able and dynamic leadership of Sri K. Chandra Sekhar Rao, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Telangana, who has been taking all the essential measures to develop the higher education to match to the changing needs, seriously thought of introducing CBCS pattern at the UG level as per the guidelines given by the UGC. In this connection, the Telangana State Council of Higher Education has decided to prepare curriculum for UG students throughout the State. Accordingly, First Year B.Com. Business Economics has also been revised in July 2016 for all the universities in Telangana in CBCS semester pattern. A good reading list is already suggested along with the syllabus as a watermark of the level of standard desired in the treatment of the subject-matter. The present book is lucidly written with a view to catering to the needs of the student community.

Encouraged by the overwhelming response to our earlier edition of Business Economics, which ran into more than 21 editions. We are now presenting a new volume entitled as Business Economics. It is primarily meant to serve as a standard, comprehensive and complete textbook for the latest revised CBCS syllabus of the First Year B.Com. Business Economics paper for Second Semester in Telangana State Universities. The book provides a thorough treatment of all the topics to be covered in the syllabus, giving them a logical flow with a lucid exposition of the subject-matter in an integrated manner with numerical, graphical and practical illustrations.


Contents –

UNIT – I : Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
1. Characteristics of Managerial Economics – Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Basic Economic Tools in Managerial Economics – Managerial Economist’s Role and Responsibility
UNIT – II : Demand Forecasting
3. Demand Estimations for Consumer Durables and Non-durable Products
4. Demand Forecasting
5. Demand Forecasting Techniques
UNIT – III : Market Analysis
6. Definition of a Market – Market Structure – Perfect Competition
7. Monopoly
8. Monopolistic Competition
9. Oligopoly and Duopoly
UNIT – IV : Macroeconomics for Managers
10. National Income – Concepts – Measurement of National Income
11. Business Cycles
12. Inflation – Causes and Control – Stagflation
UNIT – V : Fiscal and Monetary Policy
13. Monetary and Fiscal Policies – Fiscal Deficit
14. Fiscal Responsibility in India – FRBM Act
15. Monetary Policy of the RBI – CRR, SLR, Repo Rates
16. Finance Commission – Its Objectives and Role
Solved University Question Paper


Year of publication







314 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




CH.S. Gopala Krishna Murthy,

Dr. D.M. Mithani


Himalaya pub