Teaching and learning should be like pleasure excursion to discover new outlook and to attain greater heights of knowledge. The basic purpose of teaching is to look after curiosity in such a manner that clear value addition takes place.
The book “Market and Cost Benefit Analysis” offers an overview of the concept, explanation, illustrations, problems and best practices associated with some key areas of demand, cost, profit cost of capital, market structure, pricing, capital budgeting and liner programming.
While teaching different subjects to students of Management and Commerce we strongly felt the need for a text book which would be written in simple explanation and simple illustrative language with sufficient support from real business world information. Students of management and commerce programs come from different streams, many of them have never studied the concepts, like demand, cost, profit, cost of capital, market structure, pricing, capital budgeting and liner programming.
1. Demand and Supply Analysis
2. Cost Analysis and Profit Planning
3. Market Analysis and Pricing Decisions
4.Project Planning
5. Linear Programing
6. Inculcation of Soft Skills