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Marketing Principles and Practice


SKU: 7590babe0de2 Category:

Marketing has raised the standard of living of people by bringing them in touch with products useful to them in satisfying their needs and wants. Most of the products that we see on the shelves of the supermarket were not available till two decades ago. They are fresh new products. How these are developed? How products are branded? How are they priced? and last but not the least, how are they promoted? All these Ps of marketing are covered. Apart from these, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research and Sales Management have been dealt with. It is a book that introduces you to the basics of marketing.


Contents –

1. What is Marketing?
2. Managers and Environment
3. Strategic Planning
4. Marketing Process and Marketing Planning
5. Competitive Environment
6. Marketing Research and Marketing Information System
7. Consumer Behaviour
8. Demand Measurement and Forecasting
9. Market Segmentation and Targeting
10. Product Planning
11. Differentiation and Positioning of Products
12. New Products: Planning and Development
13. Marketing Strategies for Market Leaders, Followers and Nichers
14. International Marketing
15. Product Mix Strategies
16. Brand Decisions and Packaging Decisions
17. Marketing of Services
18. Pricing Decisions
19. Marketing Channels – Retailing
20. Marketing Channels – Wholesaling
21. Channel Marketing
22. Physical Distribution Management (PDM)
23. Promotion Mix
24. Advertising Decisions
25. Advertising Campaigning and Creativity in Advertising
26. Media Overview
27. Advertising Business
28. Managing Sales Promotion and Sales Displays
29. Direct Marketing
30. Managing the Sales Force
31. Marketing Organisation
32. Eveluation and Control of Marketing Function


Year of publication







676 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price







Himalaya pub