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MCQs IN PSYCHOLOGY: Objectives for UPSC, UGC-NET/JRF and Other Competitive Examinations


Answer to any question may be broadly categorized into two ways such as objective and long answer type. Answering questions in a long or narrative manner may be time consuming and may create physical and psychological burden. Further, it may not satisfy the answer what the question proposed to be. In such cases, answer in short form or objective manner may be preferable. Psychology is a very broad subject to understand the concept and its meaning. In this regard, reader prefer the exact meaning and concept to understand psychology better through some multiple choice questions and can prepare the answer easily by going through the important points and statement which is required for certain purpose.

In the Union Public Services (UPSC) (India), candidates prepare a huge number of papers and questions starting from general knowledge to their main stream of the optional paper for main the examination. In this context, it is very difficult for them to go through many branches of psychology, which is a very broad topic in nature. In this context, the present book will definitely help them to prepare better for their prelims and main exams interested in the field of psychology without spending much time, effort and also the cost factor. Similarly, the present book will serve students to prepare for University Grant Commission (UGC), National Educational Test (NET) / Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) programme and other competitive examinations in psychology.

Last but not leasts it can be said that the book contains total of twenty chapters including 2000 to 3000 multiple choice question answers in different way, like Fill in The Blanks, True/False, Assertion/Reasoning, etc., which are more relevant to most of the competitive examinations. These chapters of the book cover most of the important branches of psychology and will definitely help students interested for different types of examination to score better having a healthy and sound knowledge. The wordings and terminology of the book is simple and reader-friendly which will definitely help the interested beginners to attend any competitive examination in psychology.


Contents :

1. Introduction to Psychology
2. Physiology of Behaviour
3. Sensation, Attention and Perception
4. Learning and Conditioning
5. Memory Process
6. Thinking Process
7. Motivation


Year of publication







362 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Avinash Kumar,

Dr. Gopal Chandra Mahakud


Himalaya pub