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Modern Human Resource Management (Text and Cases)


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Human resource is the most important resource. It is to be managed properly. The present business environment is turbulent. It is undergoing drastic changes. There is uncertainty and risk everywhere. Over and above due to liberalisation and globalisation, tough competition is being faced in every sector in India and abroad. To understand the changing business environment and carry-out the business effectively and efficiently are very difficult. The critical need of talented manpower has been felt. Further, the human resource is again needed to be managed properly to get the best performance of them. Keeping in view, the critical needs, the new chapters have been added to the first edition to tune it to the present requirement. Sincere efforts have been made to create awareness among all concerned regarding emerging trends and practices in HRM. The new edition of the book will include:

Part – 1: Human Resource Management
Part – 2: Human Resource Development
Part – 3: Compensation of Human Resource
Part – 4: Maintenance of Human Resource
Part – 5: Human Relations
Part – 6: Industrial Relations
Part – 7: Future and HRM.

This edition covers 42 chapters under 7 parts. The present edition has the following reliant features:

1. Integrated approach and comprehensive explanation.
2. All topics of the earlier editions have been reviewed and updated.
3. The sequence of the chapter is arranged in a proper logical order to provide proper link to the topics.
4. It includes the text and the case study both solved and unsolved types to improve theoretical and practical knowledge of the readers.
5. Value addition to the students undergoing different courses.

Sincere efforts have been put to bring this second edition. On the demand of the students, academicians and practitioners the topics have been revised; updated and new topics have been added. Now it is the humble request to all readers to bring the discrepancies to our notice at the earliest. Suggestions and comments will be highly appreciated by authors.

Contents :

Part – I: Human Resource Management
1. Human Resource Management
2. Environment and HRM
Part – II: Human Resource Development
3. Human Resource Planning
4. Job Analysis and Job Design
5. Recruitment, Selection and Placement
6. Training
7. Management Development
8. Human Resource Development
9. Performance Management
Part – III: Compensation of Human Resource
10. Performance Appraisal
11. Performance Appraisal Process and Methods
12. Job evaluation
13. Wages and Salary Administration
14. Incentive Payment System
Part – IV: Maintenance of Human Resource
15. Benefits and Services for Employees
16. Promotion
17. Transfers and Separations
18. Labour Welfare and Social Security
19. Health and Safety
Part – V: Human Relations
20. Human Resource Accounting and Audit
21. Group and Group Dyanmics
22. Motivation of Employees
23. leadership
24. Communication
Part – VI: Industrial Relations
25. Discipline and Grievance Management
26. Industrial Relations
27. Industrial Relations
28. Trade Unions
29. Workers’ Participation in Management
30. Collective Bargaining
31. Labour Legislations
32. Employees Counselling and Well-being
33. Employees or Labour Productivity
Part – VII: Future and HRM
34. Globalisation and Strategic HRM
35. Quality of Work Life and Stress Management
36. Knowledge Management and HRD
37. Gandhian Philosophy and Human Resource Management
38. Human Resource Development and Diversity
39. Organisational Changes and Development
40. Case Studies – 1 (Solved)
41. Case Studies – 2 (Unsolved)
42. Bibliography


Year of publication







1198 (In Grams)

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Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. Ram Kumar Balyan,

Mrs. Suman Balyan


Himalaya pub