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Open and Distance Learning


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Institute of Distance Education organized three-day International Conference as part of Sesquicentennial Celebrations of this University of Mumbai in collaboration with the Indian Distance Education Association, bringing together Distance Learners, Educators, Exports, Educational Planners & Policy Makers on the same platform to share, exchange, discuss and deliberate issues pertaining to the main theme, i.e., Changing structural and Functional Patterns of Open and Distance Learning in India: Exploring New Frontiers and Developments.

Book Content of Open and Distance Learning
  1. Information Technology: A New Dimension
    Principal. M. S. Kurhade
  2. Absenteeism of Students in Counselling Session of Bachelors Degree
    Programme of Distance Education: A Study of Jammu University Centres
    Dr. Tilak Raj Sharma
  3. Teaching-Learning Interactivity through Simulation/Role Play and
    Case Study Method
    Dr. Kamala Rajiv
  4. The Relevance of Life Skills Education in Open and Distance Learning in India
    Dr. Priya M. Vaidya
  5. Enhancing the Library Services for Distance Education Students
    R. Renganathan
  6. International Level Seminar “Progamme Design and Development
    Further Learner Orientation”
    Padmaja Arvind
  7. Quality Improvement in Open and Distance Learning: Challenges
    Ahead in New Millennium
    Bibhas Guha
  8. Quality Management and Best Practices – Tools and Content Oriented Applications
    Mrs. Sangeeta Pawar
  9. Reforms in Teaching-Learning Environment Towards Greater Interactivity – New
    Roles of Open and Distance Education Institutions in India
    Prof. K Parameswara Rao
  10. Applicaton of Distance Education Tools for Effective Education in India
    Prof. S.P. Paniy Miss Sariia Mishra
  11. Cost- Effectiveness of Distance Education
    Dr. (Mrs.) C Sesharatnam
  12. Role of E-Publication

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Dhaneswar Harichandan


Himalaya pub