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Organisational Behaviour Through Indian Philosophy


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The book “Organisational Behaviour through Indian Philosophy” containing eighteen chapters has delved organisational behaviour in codified form based on Indian ancient literature. Attempts have been made to reveal the secret formulae hidden in the Ancient Literature of India for effective management of organisation through behaviour science. The Ancient Indian Literature has referred and inferred from Indian Philosophy. Sanskrit verse in original form is given to provide basic insights of the eighteen chapters in different heads, sub-heads, sections and subsections. Elements of organisational behaviour, types and forms of organisation, perception, learning, personality, job design, motivations, group dynamics, conflict management, power andpolitics, stress management, delegation of authority and centralisation, leadership, organisational culture creating and sustaining culture, organisational changes and organisational effectiveness. Sanskrit verse alongwith roman-presentation, word meaning and translation are simultaneously given to demonstrate the basic principles of behaviour in each chapter. The traditional systems of Sanskrit presentation has been modified to make it common man`s language such as Rgveda is written as Rigveda, ca is written as cha and so on.

All the ancient presentation and modern theories have been blended to establish the unionism of the behavioural science. Modern theories have been searched and researched in the ancient literature. Some new approaches have been revealed looking into the ancient literature which are relevant in the present context and would be useful in future also. The whole Indian literature is full of organisational theories and behavioural sciences.

One can find real solution to any problem by thorough understanding of any literature. The knowledge of Vedas and Upanishad is effective enough to attain organisational goals. All of the organisational functions are governed and operated based on Indian Philosophy. Many new things and principles have been brought forward for the welfare of human kind through organisational management. When India was practicing these principles of Philosophy, she was known as `Golden Bird` in the world. Some of the organisations suffered because they could not get the opportunities of applying Indian Philosophy.

Contents :

1. Elements of Organisational Behaviour
2. Foundation of Organisational Behaviour
3. Types and Forms of Organisations
4. Perception
5. Learning
6. Personality
7. Job Design
8. Motivation
9. Group Dynamics
10. Conflict Management
11. Power and Politics
12. Stress Management
13. Delegation of Authority and Centralisation
14. Leadership
15. Organisational Culture
16. Creating and Sustaining Organisational Culture
17. Organisational Changes
18. Organisational Effectiveness


Year of publication







1056 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Prof. M. N. Mishra


Himalaya pub