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Personal and Social Skills Credit 2 (Sem 1, BA Mumbai Univ)


In today’s rapidly changing world, the importance of personal and social life skills cannot be overstated. These skills serve as the foundation for individuals to navigate their personal and professional lives with confidence and empathy. This book aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of key life skills that are essential for personal growth and effective social interaction.

As first-year BA psychology students, you are about to embark on an exploration of essential life skills that will not only enhance your academic experience but also enrich your personal and social lives. This book is designed specifically to align with your syllabus, making it a valuable resource as you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. We’ve structured the content to be engaging, practical, and directly applicable to your everyday life.

The first module, Personal Skill – Self-Awareness and Empathy, delves into the intricacies of self-awareness, a cornerstone of personal development. It begins with an introduction to personal and social life skills, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of self-awareness. Through the exploration of various dimensions of self-awareness, including tools like SWOC Analysis and the Johari Window, you will be equipped with practical strategies to gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. The module also highlights the significance of empathy, a critical component of emotional intelligence, and differentiates it from sympathy. It further discusses social and cultural practices that can foster empathy, encouraging you to cultivate a compassionate outlook in your daily life.

The second module, Social Skill – Communication and Interpersonal Relations, addresses the essential skills needed for effective communication and the building of strong interpersonal relationships. Beginning with a clear definition of communication and an explanation of the communication process, this module guides you through the different types of communication and the common barriers that can impede effective interaction. The discussion then shifts to the nature of interpersonal relationships, outlining the stages involved in forming these connections. Additionally, this module emphasizes the process of team building and the characteristics of effective teams, offering you valuable insights into how to collaborate successfully with others.

Contents –

Module – 1: Personal Skill – Self-Awareness and Empathy
1. Personal Skill – Self-Awareness and Empathy – I
2. Personal Skill – Self-Awareness and Empathy – II

Module – 2: Social Skill – Communication and Interpersonal Relations
3. Social Skill – Communication and Interpersonal Relations – I
4. Social Skill – Communication and Interpersonal Relations – II


Year of publication




Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Naresh Tambe


Himalaya pub


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