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Personal Financial Planning (Sem 1, Bengaluru City Univ (NEP))


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When people hear the term “Financial Planning” they frequently mox it up with investment or wealth planning. They perceive the process to be hard and time-consuming; in fact, majority believe they should consider a financial plan once they have accumulated sufficient wealth. There are numerous myths regarding financial planning, and it is critical to understand what financial planning truly involves. Financial planning is the process of maximizing the use of your financial resources in order to attain your financial objectives. Financial planning differs from investment planning or seeking assistance from a professional accountant or a banker. Financial planning is a broad term that refers to numerous aspects of personal finance.

While knowing about every component of finance may or be of interest to everyone, there are key financial principles that we should all be familiar with, such as how to use credit cards, apply for and get loans, save and invest our money, and determine where different sections of our income go. Personal Finance takes newcomers on a trip to learn the financial world they will enter after graduation, using basic explanations and several appealing illustrations.

Every financial decisions we make has an effect on our lives. Personal Financial Planning is intended to help students avoid early financial mistakes and provide the tools needs to build a beliefs and make wise financial decisions that will help them accomplish their goals. This book is both novice and intermediate readers with basic to intermediate knowledge of personal finance. The book teaches these fundamental financial planning. The goal of this book is to introduce you to a practical and conceptual framework for making personal financial decisions as part of a larger economy of financial participants. The content is presented in a visual fashion to facilitate learning.

We hope this book will be extremely fruitful for students and academic staff.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Financial Planning
2. Investment Planning
3. Personal Tax Planning
4. Insurance Planning
5. Retirement Benefits Planning
Skill Development


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Dr. Babu V.,

Mr. Mohammed Umair,

Pradeep P.


Himalaya pub