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PHARMA MCQs Companion (Sem 6, B.Pharm)


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We are feeling privileged to present this MCQ books series to every aspirant of the Pharmacy fraternity. Harmonization of the syllabus and examination pattern by the Pharmacy Council of India followed by a pandemic situation has made us realize the importance of objective and MCQ style questions. Majority of the Pharmacy aptitude tests like GPAT & NIPER JEE, Pharmacy exit examinations, Government/non-government recruitment examinations and other competitive examinations are being conducted through MCQs based pattern. It has created a huge thrust for MCQ based books that not only cover the latest PCI syllabus with topic/unit wise MCQ type questions but also provide insights into the relevant matter through relevant description. We hope this thrust will be significantly extinguished by this series of books..

We are sure that the readers of the first edition will enjoy reading this book as much as we have enjoyed preparing it. We hope that the students of pharmacy will receive this book favoring as an effective competitive examination book and we sincerely hope that the book will go a long way to satisfy the long-felt of students for a friendly book in competitive exams..


Contents –

1. BP601T – Medicinal Chemistry III (Theory) [Med Chem III]
2. BP602T – Pharmacology III (Theory) [Cology III]
3. BP603T – Herbal Drug Technology (Theory) [HDT]
4. BP604T – Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics (Theory) [Bio & Bio]
5. BP605T – Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Theory) [Biotech]
6. BP606T – Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance(Theory)[PQA]