The opportunity to prepare a new book on “Pharmaceutics” provided us the occasion to serve to the students of diploma course in pharmacy.
We take pleasure in presenting this book to provide the students updated and collective information on various aspects of Pharmaceutics in a simple language.
The objectives of this book are upon completion of this course the student should be able to know about:
1. Scope of Pharmaceutics in Pharmacy.
2. Various Terms used in Pharmaceutics.
3. Various Dosage Forms.
This book contains theoretical points of Pharmaceutics based on the syllabus of PCI for diploma in pharmacy ER 2020.
Contents –
1. History of Pharmacy Profession in India
2. Pharmacy as a Career
3. Pharmacopoeia
4. Packaging Materials
5. Pharmaceutical Aids
6. Size Reduction
7. Size Separation
8. Mixing
9. Filtration
10. Drying
11. Extraction
12. Tablets
13. Capsules
14. Liquid Oral Preparations
15. Topical Preparations
16. Nasal and Ear Preparations
17. Powders and Granules
18. Sterile Formulations
19. Immunological Products
20. Quality Control and Quality Assurance