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Portfolio Management


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This book on ‘Portfolio Management’ has been written as in introduction to the world of investments. In India many changes have come about in the stock markets as well as among the people who are interested in trading in securities. Individuals who are both naive investors as well as experienced people and students have started taking an interest in making investments. Some investors were trading for quick money while others were planning their investments by calculating risk and return features taking a long time horizon.

The book provides insights to the relationship of risk and return and how risk should be measured to bring about a return according to the expectation of the investor. It gives details of the functioning of the financial markets, the relationship between the new issue market and stock exchange and a basic idea of how to manage a portfolio through careful risk and return analysis.

This book has been specially designed to sensitize those readers/investors as well as students of management, commerce, accounting and finance who would like an exposure to the investment environment in India. It is a simple, student-friendly book with many examples, solved illustrations, objective type questions, important points, concepts and latest developments in Indian stock markets. Since Investment Management has now been developed as a course in undergraduate and postgraduate courses it has been written to suit the requirement of the new syllabus of many universities in India. The book has thirteen chapters and has been divided into eight chapters.

– Chapter One discusses the Investment Environment. These are Introduction to Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
– Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 discuss Financial System, Stock Exchange in India, Risk and Return, Investment Alternatives and choice of different securities; valuation methods have also been explained.
– Chapter 7 covers basic Portfolio management, theories of Markowitz and Sharpe and capital market theory. It also discusses mutual funds.
– Chapter 8 discusses the features of capital markets, functioning of new issue market and the role of Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as a regulator as well as its role in investor awareness education and protection.


Contents :

1. Portfolio Management an Introduction
2. Investment Alternatives
3. Investment Decision Making
4. Mathematics of Finance
5. Alternative Forms of Investment
6. Mechanics of Stock Trading
7. Portfolio Analysis and Management
8. Capital Market and Role of SEBI


Year of publication






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Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. Preeti Singh


Himalaya pub