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Principles of Business Management


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This book ‘Principles of Business Management — System-based contingency approach’ is primarily for students spacialising in organisation and management courses at the degree / diploma level in all the leading universities as well as specialised institutes of business management in India and to serve their pressing needs in the best manner possible.

The study of organisation and management has encountered many innovations in its evolutionary stages. Significant contributions have been made by the various schools of management thought such as scientific management, administrative or process school, behavioural sciences, quantitative (operations research) school, systems approach and contingency or environmental school of management thought. Recent awareness and emphasis of management’s social responsibilities has introduced rethinking and reassessment of traditional principles of management Based on these directions and other new trends, this book attempts to bring together and integrate the past and present develop-ments, within a systematic and rational framework, for studying the management fundamentals. The book has tried to summarise a large number’ of topics of primary interest to managers. It is deliberately oriented towards the systems and contingency approach around which the current management thought is being crystalised.

An organisation as an open system has transactions with the environment in which it exists. Transactions between at organisation and its environment involve inputs, outputs, activities or processes and feedback  information. Inputs are money, personnel, materials, information, energy and equipment. These inputs are transformed into outputs of goods, services, information, etc, needed by the environment members. An organisation has many sub-systems such as technical, human information, finance and management sub-systems. However, management sub-systems assumes a unique iinpoitance as it directs, coordinates and controls all other sub-systems and their activities in an . organisation.

The major objectives of an organisation are set by management and these are related to input-transformation-outputs cycle of an organisation. Contingency approach to organisation and management (adopted in the book) indicates clearly that the pattern of organisation and the leadership of managerial style shall be governed by four interacting variables, viz., (1) people, (2) technology, (3) structure and (4) tasks.


Contents –

1. What is Management?
2. Management Process (The Elements / Function of Management)
3. Evolution of Management Thought
4. Decision-Making Process
5. Planning Function
6. Types of Plans –I (Mission, Objectives, Strategies)
7. Types of plans –II(Policies, Procedures, Methods Rules, Programmers, Projects, Schedules, Budgets and Standards)
8. Planning Process
9. The Organisation (Org. Theory / Principles, O.D., Informal Org.)
10. The Organising Process (Span of Control / Departmentation)
11. Delegation and Decentralisation (Two Cornerstones of Organisation Structure)
12. Forms of Internal Organisation (Line & Staff, Project Org., Committees)
13. Staffing / Management Development
14. Leadership
15. Motivation at Work (Theories of Motivation and Organisational Behaviour)
16. Direction / Supervision
17. Communication / Coordination
18. Conflict Management in Organisation
19. Management Information System
20. Controlling
21. Management Controls (Part – I) (Budgetary and Non-Budgetary Controls)
22. Management Controls (Part – II) (Operations Reseach)
23. Business and Society (Social Responsibilities)
24. Management in the Future
Case Problems (Chapter-wise)


Year of publication







978 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Virendra Sharad Sherlekar,

Prof. S.A. Sherlekar


Himalaya pub