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Principles of Management


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The concept of management has drastically changed in last two decades. The change has been revolutionary, especially in Indian context. A number of Indian corporations, which were hitherto unknown not only to the world but to the Indians themselves, have astonished the corporate world all over with their growth and reach. Indian corporate world is gradually moving away from a handful of family dominated business houses, having a narrow concentrated capital base to broad based global ownership. There has been a phenomenal growth in mergers and acquisitions; not only within national boundaries but Indian corporate are all set to acquire the world giants.

The development of management thought has been evolutionary in nature. Different management thinkers have interpreted management from different perspectives. Much of the development in the field has taken place during last 100 years. The time periods in which different management concepts have developed may be divided into five parts:

a) Pre-Scientific Management Era (Before 1880)
b) Scientific Management (1880-1930)
c) Human Relations Era (1930-50)
d) Social Science Era (1950 Onwards)
e) Management Science Era (1950 Onwards)

The present book analyses the framework of management theory and practice in lucid manner for beginners in the field of management. The book will be useful to management students and new entrants in the field of management.

Contents :

1. Introduction to Management
2. Management Function − Planning
3. Organisation
4. Motivation
5. Quality Management
6. Human Resource Management




Year of publication




Student Dollar Price




Neelam Arora


Himalaya pub