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Security Analysis and Investment Management


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The present book on “Security Analysis and Investment Management” has been written for M. Com. and MBA students for their enhancement in knowledge of securities.

Stock market is volatile market where changes are unpredictable and trends go out of way, very frequently. People to invest their money in stock market, for growth and better return and rely mostly on share brokers for financial results. More the risk and higher the return, is the basic of any investment. Portfolio Management is the basis for risk reduction. The various stock exchanges in the country manages the prices of shares of registered companies.

Risk Management function in investments has come a long way and has evolved significantly in current times. Challenging macro environment and higher regulatory and compliance costs, are likely to result in pressures on revenue visibility. Financial institutions globally, need to come to terms with new order – falling which, institutions may be tempted to lower their guard is risk and compliance management, which can have grave consequence in the long run.

While, early identification of risk events is important irrespective of the underlying risk − market, credit, operations reputation, etc. − it is particularly critical in managing credit risks early warning systems need to proactively identify, stern and deteriorations is credits, using forward looking indicators in conjunction with coincident and lagged indicators.


Contents :

1. Investment
2. Risk and Return
3. Efficient Market Theory and Options and Futures Markets
4. Theories of Fixed and Variable Income Securities
5. Risk Return and Analysis in the Stock Market
6. Investment and Security Valuations
7. Markets and Brokers
8. Market Indices and Returns
9. Objectives of Security Analysis
10. Recent Development in the Indian Stock Market
11. Financial Information and Sources of Risks
12. Portfolio Theories and Management
13. Determination of Stock Market Price as per Time Value of Money


Year of publication







616 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





O.P. Agarwal


Himalaya pub