The book on “Separation Technology” is an entirely new approach to tackle the solid, Lucid and gaseous separation. These are course materials under solid mechanics, solid-fluid operations, and mass transfer I,II, and III at undergraduate, postgraduates and research on Chemical Engg. and Bio-Technology. Few new separation technologies being developed in industrial environment have been introduced. unique about the book is addition of “Review Questions”, “Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with answers” and solution for “Industrial Problem” as well as few to be attempted as “Unsolved Problems.” The book is written in Liquid Manner and Figures are quite attractive.
Contents –
1: Introduction
2: Solid-Solid Separation (S.S.S.)
3: Solid-Fluid Separation (S.F.S.)
4: Liquid-Liquid Separation (L.L.S.)
5 : Gas-Liquid Separation (G.L.S.)
6 : Inter-phase Separation (I.P.S.)
7 : Membrane Separation (M.S.)
8 : Nano Separation (N.S.)
Case Studies (C.S.)