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Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship


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Small-scale Industries and Entrepreneurship are the two faces of a small coin-economic development. Small scale Industries are the engines of growth in any economy entrepreneurship.

In the terms of value, the small accounts for 95 per cent of the industrial units, 45 per cent of the manufacturing output, 40 per cent of the total exports and providing employment to about 68.80 million persons in over 30 million units.

They are the job-providers and technological innovators. Above all, they are the beehive of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs identify and develop business enterprise, building opportunities for small enterprises and entrepreneurship are thus, the driving force for sustained national growth.

“SMALL-SCALE INDUSTRIES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP” is designed to encourage people to seize control over their destiny and make a profitable career through self-employment. The study consists of 33 chapters.

– Divided into two self-contained units comprising of objectives, inputs and analyses.
– Discusses the tools and techniques of small-scale industries.
– A Lucid analysis of varied facets of small industry and entrepreneurship acts as a motivator to all concerned.
– Provides a comprehensive study of small-scale industries and entrepreneurship.
– Enriched with practical tips and consideration on how to recognize and seize business opportunities and plan one`s own successful ventures.
– Especially useful to students, teachers, resource persons engaged in conducting entrepreneurship training programmes.
– An ideal resource material for vocational education students and teeming first generation entrepreneurs.
– The layout of the contents renders the study extremely useful to the teachers/students too.
– This book provides a wealth of information on small-scale industries, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in furthering an entrepreneurial culture to sustain a vibrant entrepreneurial society.


Contents :

Section I – Small-Scale Industries
1. Introduction
2. The Concept of Small-Scale Industry
3. Characteristics of Small-Scale Industries
4. The Role of Small-Scale Industries
5. Policies Governing Small-Scale Industries
6. Rural Industries and Rural Artisans
7. Ancillary Industries
8. Industrial Estate
9. Organisational Steucture of small-scale Industry
10. Ownership Pattern in Small-Scale Industries
11. Finance for small-Scale Industry
12. Working Capital Management
13. Taxation Benefits
14. Marketting Mechanism in Small-Scale Industries
15. Export Potentials of Small-scale Industries
16. Prospects for Small-scale Industries
17. Prospects for Small-scale Industries
Section II – Entrepreneurship – The Road To Real India
18. The Concept of Entrepreneurship
19. Development of Entrepreneurs in India
20. Evaluation of Entrepreneurs in India
21. Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
22. Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs
23. Women Entrepreneurs
24. The Role of Enterpreneurs in India
25. Enterpreneurial Environment
26. Identification of Opportunities
27. Converting Business Opportunities into Reality
28. Location Issues
29. Environmental Problems
30. Entrepreneurial Development
31. Entrepreneurial Development
32. Institutions in Aid of Entrepreneurship Development
33. All About Relevant Acts
Section III – Project Work