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Soft Technologies At Work – Learning Social / Soft Skills


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For decades now, men at work have sounded the drum beat of change. Individuals must transform themselves from a core profession into multiskill areas. But it has been said so often, for so long and with so little concrete, real-life information on how to actually achieve this new mission. But now the situations and circumstances are changing. Today, more and more personal development activities are being framed out to service to the customer − internal as well as external. The traditional and professional work of individual is changing and more and more people realises that to succeed in the Global, Competitive world of work they must be well equipped with soft skills or people management skills.

Roadmap to reach this strategic intent is a solely needed prescription for achieving this focus in today`s changing organisational life. Drawn from the author more than thirty-two years of experience as HR professional in different companies, this book is produced for the readers. Easy-to-read, thought provoking and packed with various soft skills needed in real life-work situation, will help readers to :
– Make your first impressions positive and powerful.
– Master the art of public speakers.
– Develop the skills of listening.
– Harness the vital resources of time.
– Motivate others by recognising and adapting to the personality types.
– Communicate at the right things to right people and in the right way and at the right time and so on.

In short, this is a book designed to maximize your effectiveness whether you are a director or a driver. We all need these skills because they help build trust, confidence and commitment. Soft skills are the abilities to influence others positively by connecting with them physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially. In brief, it is what makes people like you even when they do not know much about you.

The connection between people issues and business issues are inseparable. As the author so aptly put it “Talent is the engine behind the creation of all Values”. Social technologies − soft skills is the most succinct, most practical book available for strengthening the link between individual-to-individual, individual-to-team, for building a positive personality at work.


Contents :

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Changing Workplace Basics
Chapter 3 Education, Learning and Skills
Chapter 4 Skills and Their Primary Attributes
Chapter 5 Personal Assessment, Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude
Chapter 6 Understanding People − MBTI Skills
Chapter 7 FIRO − B − Understanding Inter-personal Relations Skills
Chapter 8 Johari Window
Chapter 9 Transactional Analysis
Chapter 10 Assertive Skills
Chapter 11 Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Chapter 12 Listening Skills
Chapter 13 Influencing Skills
Chapter 14 Coaching Skills
Chapter 15 Mentoring Skills
Chapter 16 Team Leaders Skills
Chapter 17 Teamwork Skills
Chapter 18 Negotiation Skills
Chapter 19 Creativity Skills
Chapter 20 Innovation Skills
Chapter 21 Work Excellence Skills
Chapter 22 Communication Skills
Chapter 23 MBWA − Visible Management − Skills
Chapter 24 Customer-Service Skills
Chapter 25 Trainer`s Skills
Chapter 26 Time Management Skill
Chapter 27 Etiquettes and Manners Skills
Chapter 28 Customer Relationship Management
Chapter 29 The Soft Technologies Revisited


Library Dollar Price






Year of publication






Dr. V.R. Katkhede


Himalaya pub