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Strategic Management


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Strategic Management is one of the key aspects of Management and it is vast and big area of study and never-ending process too. The need for effective strategy is as strong as ever in today’s highly competitive and global business environment. The challenge for academics and practitioners alike is how best to formulate and implement to secure strategic advantage in global market. This book offers adequate and up-to-date information on the current challenges and problems to be faced by the managers in the global market. In fact, such challenges must be viewed as golden opportunities to be capitalised by the organisation with the help of integrated plans and strategies. Such planned and timely responses can easily secure best rapport with dynamic economic and social demands and deliver rich dividend to the multinational enterprises.


Contents –

1. Strategic Management – An Introduction
2. The Environment of Strategic Management
3. The Social Environment and Social Responsibility of Business
4. The political and Legal Environment
5. Technological Environment
6. The Economic Environment
7. Mission, Vision and Goals and Organizational Assessment
8. Tools of Strategic Management
9. Strategies – Integration, Diversification, Disinvestment, Downsizing
10. Defensive, Generic, Portfolio and Turnaround and Mergers and Acquisitions Strategies
11. Organisational Structure
12. Resource Mobilization – Money, Markets, Machine, Material and Men (Human Resources)
13. Role of Leadership and Motivation
14. Role of Creativity and Innovation
15. Evaluation and Control of Strategies
16. Summary of the Book
Case Studies


Year of publication







216 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. K. Govinda Bhat,

P.N. Harikumar


Himalaya pub