The undeniable trends begin clearing through the Deccan. In Hyderabad, the western styles of life started to enter the customary structure holding the system together, social mores and leanings. Three remarkable men share the distinctions: Mukhtar-ul-Mulk, his son Mir Liaq Ali Khan Imad-us-Sultanat, and grandson Mir Yousuf Ali Khan Salar Jung-III.
The designated radiance of the Salar Jung legacy envisioned the amplifying of enlightening and social horizons of his treasured Hyderabad with whose history times of his family had been by personally interlinked.
This book highlights the ancestry of Salar Jung and his curious collection from all over the globe.
Contents –
1. Ancestry of Salar Jungs
2. Salar Jung-I
3. Salar Jung-II
4. Salar Jung-III
5. Salar Jung-III’s Personality
6. The Prime Ministership of Salar Jung
7. Palaces of Salar Jung
8. Tours and Travels of Salar Jung
9. Collector of Artifacts and Curios
10. The Salar Jung’s Jagir
11. The Last Journey of Salar Jung