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The Tenses in English Language


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Depending on the time sense the Active Voice and Passive Voice are divided into three different main branches namely, Indefinite, Continuous, and Perfect Tenses. The branches Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect are further divided into three small branches as Present, Past and Future. Whether the action stated in the verb of the sentence does not pin point the exact time when it takes place as Indefinite, whether the action is still continuing at the given point be it in present past or future as Perfect tense branch is shown.

Contents :

Section – 1 Active Voice
1. Active Voice Tree
2. Active Voice Indefinite Branch
3. Present Indefinite Tense
4. Past Indefinite Tense
5. Future Indefinite Tense
6. Active Voice Continous Branch
7. Present Continous Tencse
8. Past Continous Tencse
9. Future Continous Tencse
10. Acitve Voice Perfect Tense Branch
11. Present Perfect Tense
12. Past Perfect Tense
13. Future Perfect Tense
Section – 2 Passive Voice
14. Passive Voice
15. Passive Voice Indefinite Branch
16. Present Indefinite Tense
17. Past Indefinite Tense
18. Future Indefinite Tense
19. Passive Voice Continous Branch
20. Present Continous Tense
21. Past Continous Tense
22. Passive Voice Perfect Tense Branch
23. Present Perfect Tense
24. Past Perfect Tense
25. Future Perfect Tense
Section – 3 Branch that Does not have Passive Equivalent
26. Perfect Continous Tenses Branch
27. Present Perfect Continous Tenses
28. Past Perfect Continous Tenses
29. Future Perfect Continous Tenses
30. Exercises on Tenses
31. Four Forms of Verb
32. Index


Year of publication







248 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





M.A. Sampson


Himalaya pub