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Tourism Marketing

Monotony with high intensity is a natural phenomenon specially in the present corporate culture considerably influenced by material culture. A desire to enrich the knowledge bank; a craze for speeding up the learning cycle; a temptation for discovering the roots of civilization; a fascination for getting the pleasure and an enthusiasm for witnessing the cultural heritage pave copious avenues for the development of tourism in India. The multi-pronged developments in the global economy makes it essential that we focus on tourism industry where lies tremendous opportunities. The professionals need to identify the strengths for conceptualizing marketing principles. Identification of potential markets – national and international – requires excellence of world-class based on research and development activities. An indepth study of behavioural profile simplifies the task of studying and understanding the taste preferences, needs and requirements, level of expectations and the changing lifestyles of potential tourists. Synchronization of four A s` and Orchestration of seven Ts` enable marketers in the transformation, satisfaction and retention of tourists for excelling competition, increasing the market share and becoming a leader. We need unique product, creative promotion and aggressive campaigns with new themes to inform, sense, sensitise, persuade and transform the potential tourists into actual and habitual tourists.

The present book “Tourism Marketing” makes an indepth study of tourism marketing in the Indian perspective. It is an attempt to help the professional in conceptualizing modern marketing principles. The book significantly contributes to the mainstream of knowledge on the different frontiers of tourism marketing. The marketing professionals, the academics, the MoT, Tour Operators and Travel Agents and the students of MTA and MBA or other professional courses would find the new revised and enlarge edition of the book of immense use?

Contents :

1. Introduction Tourism
2. Tourism Marketing : An Overview
3. TQM Concept in Tourism
4. Tourism Marketing Information System
5. Behavioural Profile of Tourists
6. Tourism Market Segmentation
7. Tourism Product Planning and Development
8. Marketing Four ‘A’s of Tourism
9. Tourism Product Strategy
10. Tourism Promotion Strategy
11. Tourism Pricing Strategy
12. Tourism Distribution Strategy
13. Expanded Marketing Mix for Tourism
14. Overall Marketing Strategy for Tourism
15. India a Tourist Destination


Year of publication







524 (In Grams)

Book Code



Dr. S.M. Jha


Himalaya pub