Look Inside

Transform To Perform

The book “Transform To Perform” invites its readership to place themselves individually and collectively in a personal development mode-to learn and practice about and grow their own managerial effectiveness. The stress on “improvement” and its linkage with total performance management emphasises the importance of individual and collective initiative.

Overall, a vision of development is needed by all of us who purport to practice of performance management development. Not only will this book contribute to encourage organizational development and direction for managers but also will assist materially with the road map.

This book demonstrates that by developing, learning and innovation, the very substance of an organization can be transformed.

The fundamental discipline of performance management, measurement, improvement and development can be recast so that the whole organization can be developed simultaneously out of such transform to perform processes.

This book will be no doubt an important and indispensable resource for the managers, management trainers and students of management.

Contents :

1. In Search of Confirmation
2. Introduction
3. Human Side of an Enterprise
4. Performance Management
5. Basics of Business Objectives-I
6. Performance Measurement
7. Performance Development
8. Workplace Performance Improvements
9. Reward Management and Performance
10. Supplementary Readings


Year of publication







460 (In Grams)

Book Code



Dr. V.R. Katkhede


Himalaya pub