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Trunaround Management Sem VI (Mumbai Univ)

Student Price 198.00

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It gives us immense pleasure to present this Second Edition of the book “Turnaround Management” into the hands of students and teachers of T.Y.BBI Semester VI of Mumbai University. The book has been written exactly as per the revised syllabus (w.e.f. June, 2018) framed by Mumbai University. We have tried to keep the language in the book student friendly and as simple as possible. At the end of every chapter, questions for self practice have been given and objectives of all the units are also given at the end of all units.


Contents –
Unit I – Introduction to Business
1. Introduction to Business and Turnaround Management
2. Different Approaches to Growth and Survival
3. Globalization and Liberalization
Unit II – Industrial Sickness
4. Industrial Sickness
5. Remedies to Overcome Sickness
6. Role of BIFR in Sick Industries
Unit III – Turnaround Strategies
7. Turnaround Strategies or TQM, Restructuring and Selling of Sick Unit
8. Business Process Re-engineering
9. Approaches in Turnaround Strategies
Unit IV – Recent Business Scenario
10. Recent Business Scenario
Unit V – Leadership and Turnaround Management
11. Introduction Of Leadership and Turnaround Management
Appendix — Chapter 4
Model Question Papers