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Turn Around India


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“A thought provoking book with innovative reforms for creating economic awareness and building team spirit among Indians, particularly the young”. Author has charted a unique growth map for a complete turnaround of India. His emphasis is not only on problems pertaining to sensitive issues like Black money, Inflation, Trade deficit, Subsidy and Inclusive growth but still more important on viable solutions.

Even critical issues like Environment, Energy, Transportation, Natural resources and Taxation which are paramount to our economy has been deftly analysed. The book is a must reading for keen proponents of a resurgent India.

The book is being presented with practical solutions and ground realities. Attempt has been laid on innovative methods for quick turnaround along with longterm solutions. It highlights on important issues like black money and corruption which needs preventive action instead of relying on punitive measures alone. It also includes major topics of Indian economy like public finance, savings and subsidy in lucid language. The book is focused on real economy instead of financial economy. Socio-political aspects have also been elaborated in the initial chapters. Basic difference between growth and development has been discussed in GDP chapter.

Burning issues like Inflation, Rupee weakening and Energy shortage which needs an urgent intervention has also been dealt at length. A new approach to Environment and Natural resources which has been highly politicised has been discussed. I have also recommended structural reforms in Railway and Transportation for improving efficiency. Concluding chapter-on Inclusive Growth, without which reforms are incomplete has also been rightly emphasized. I fairly hope this book will create the required awareness and promote healthy discussions on growth and development of our country.

For further details please visit – turnaroundindia.in


Contents :

An Overview
1. Indian Economy History (Fast forward-Pause-Rewind)
2. Gross Domestic Product (Source of Public Income and Development)
3. Inclusive Governance (Key to Economic Growth)
4. Global Crisis (A Missed Opportunity)
5. Natural Resources (Need Logical Approach for Productive Use)
6. Environment (A Political Overtone)
7. Energy Policy (Needs an Integrated Approach)
8. Transportation (A Great Challenge)
9. Manufacturing Sector (Under Stress)
10. External Sector (Handle with Care)
11. Black Money (Prevention is Better than Cure)
12. Inflation (Actual Control is Missing)
13. Public Finances (Needs Judicious Approach)
14. Subsidy Model (Needs Fresh Look)
15. Savings Channelization (For Productive Investments)
16. Inclusive Growth (Prime Duty of States)
Table Index


Year of publication







520 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Mr. R.P. Gupta


Himalaya pub