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Waves and Oscillations


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Present book, entitled ‘Waves and Oscillations’, has been written according to the new syllabus under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for B.Sc. (Physics), students of various universities. The oscillatory and wave phenomena are very common in nature and the relevent study forms a course of extreme importance in basic physics. In the present book on waves and oscillations, the syllabus has been divided into four units with five chapters. First two chapters of the book are devoted to the study of simple, damped and forced harmonic oscillations. Third chapter deals with coupled oscillators and normal modes. Vibrations of strings and bars are discussed in the next and last two chapters.

In order to understand the basic concepts of physics, it is necessary that the students have sufficient practice to solve the related problems. To stress this point, the subject committee has advised that problems are to be given in each chapter of all units. This is why we have given a sufficient number of selected informative and modern solved problems inside each chapter followed by a good number of unsloved problems at the end of each chapter.


Contents –

1. Fundamentals of Vibrations
2. Damped and Forced Oscillations
3. Coupled Oscillators and Normal Modes
4. Vibrating Strings
5. Vibrations of Bars


Year of publication






Student Dollar Price




Dr. J.C. Upadhyaya


Himalaya pub