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We The Leaders


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There are literally hundreds of books on leadership and every year loads of articles have been published on the topic. There is a huge amount of ongoing research, and we keep getting contemporary literature that adds to the knowledge on the topic. But all this knowledge is too vast and confusing to comprehend. Leadership still remains an elusive concept.

This book is a primer on leadership. Leadership is both an art and science. Pinning it down is an onerous task. It tries to do that by explaining the various theories and practices that underpin leadership. I have layered it with my experiences in the corporate sector. It is meant both for students and practitioners who want to get an overview of various concepts and their interlinkages in leadership.

The book tries to make it simple by breaking the topic into the following parts:
– What is the need for leadership?
– Understanding leadership — Definitions and aspects.
– What does the leader do?
– What are the attributes and skills of a leader?
– How do you become a leader?
– Deeper/Further reflections on leadership.
– Learning from great leaders in history.
– Looking forward — Leadership in the twenty-first century.


Contents –

Section 1: The Need For Leadership
Section 2: Understanding The Basics
Section 3: Leadership Types, Theories And Models
Section 4: What Does A Leader Do?
Section 5: The Nine Foundational Attributes
Section 6: The Seven Key Skills
Section 7: Becoming A Leader
Section 8A: Learning More – Leadership Through Various Prisms
Section 8B: Learning From Remarkable People
Section 9: Leading In The Twenty-First Century


Year of publication







184 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Salil Sahu


Himalaya pub