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You The Leader


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Becoming “The Leader” constitutes the overall making of a human being who evolves and rises on a higher level of thought which is then followed by dynamic actions. The leader then begins to identify his purpose which is linked with inner commitment and a sense of ownership.

The book “YOU – The Leader” gives deep insights into the process of becoming a modern leader. It will throw light on the genesis of leadership thought which gets crystalized into vision. Communicating the vision is an art that every leader should master so that he or she is able to make ordinary human beings perform extraordinarily.

The book also throws light on the fundamentals of leadership based on four specific areas namely :

1. The Mental Makeup of the leader where he is able to formulate the Vision Path and the intent of being in business

2. The second area is the Strategy that he adopts to compete or collaborate. This is woven with a purpose of sustaining and showing the results and bringing in the profits

3. The third area is the Plan for immediate and long-term action. This is to make the enterprise agile to understand trends and take dynamic decisions

4. Finally, it is the Energy of the Enterprise that propels it further. How does the Leader enhance the energy factor especially where the Brand is concerned, is of paramount importance.

Balancing the above four elements is the Master Role of the New Age Leader. The book will make you think and rethink on your business journey. There are anecdotes which act as shelter zones where one can pause, reflect and dream big.


Contents –

1. Birth of the CEO
2. Understanding Leadership
3. The Making of a Leader
4. Need Based Leadership
5. Leadership and the Learning Organizations
6. Leadership being Sensitive
7. Leadership and the Process of Change
8. Entrepreneur Leadership in the Global Age
9. Leadership – A Call for Extraordinary Management
10. Energy Quotient for Leadership
11. The CEO Departs
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Year of publication







192 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Cyrus M. Gonda,

Nitin Parab,

Vikash Mittersain


Himalaya pub