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The hitherto not so elaborately well-tackled subject has been laid bare in great detail by the elite authors broadly reflecting on matters that now touch everyday life of the 21st century`s man in a hurry, and latently too that of the less so touched by the materially fast moving life.

Masters in their own fields, the authors elaborate explain what A to Z of the subject under consideration is. A cursory glance at the Contents of this sovereign presentation unfolds the intricacies to the delight of the serious minded reader, leaving him to mentally debate at leisure and his own conclusions, which doubtlessly shall be no different from what has been projected in the jewel of this book.

Contents :

1. A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour on Lokmat Daily Marathi Newspaper at PCMC Area
Dr. E.B. Khedekar
2. Empirical Analysis of Investment in Supply Chain for Organized Retailers and its Cost Competitiveness with Respect to Unorganized Retailers: A Case Study on Perishable Supply Chain in Pune
Prof. Nityanand Singh, Prof. Prachee Javadekar
3. Impact of Education on Performance (With Reference to SSI Units)
Dr. Dattatry Ramchandra Mane
4. A Case Study on Procedure for Recruitment of Life Advisors in Bharati Axa Insurance Co. Ltd. in PCMC Area
Dr. O.P. Haldar, Prof. Amit Dubey
5. Reverse Mortgage: A True Stick of Old Age
Prof. Abhay Kumar
6. The Rousing Challenges of Management Systems and Practices in 21st Century
Md. Lutfar Rahman
7. Case Study on Industrial Relations Policies in Mubea Suspension India Limited, Pune
Prof. Vidya Bhandwalkar, Mr. Kishor Kenche
8. E-Commerce − Legal Infrastructure and Merchant Accounts
Prof. Sharma Aabha, Prof. Rattan Punam
9. E-Marketing in 21st Century: Competition of Lenovo in Social Networking Sites
Mr. Soumyamoy Maitra, Mr. Swagat Rath
10. Leadership in Various Hues and Dimensions
Prof. Anjan Kumar Maiti
11. Estimating Risk of Failure of Systems with Positively Dependent Component Failures
Dr. Soma Roychowdhury, Prof. Debasis Bhattacharya
12. The Role of Employee Involvement in Organization Development in Selected Electronic Manufacturing Industry
− Mr. Balasahed Nanaware, Prof. Dr. A.B. Dadas
13. Changing Trends in Higher Education
Dr. Kuldip S. Charak
14. Data Mining and Customer Relationship Management
Mrs. Rajasmita Panda, Prof. Krishna Kant, Mr. Sirshananda Panda
15. An Overview on Generation Y: Its Impact in Management for 21st Century
Prof. Trupti Gupte
16. Maintaining Financial Stability: A Real Challenge for Small Scale Industries in 21st Century
Prof. Ganesh Lande, Dr. E.B. Khedkar, Dr. O.P. Haldar
17. A Study the Reduction in Defects By Use of Computers in Quality Control System of Textile Industry
Dr. Vinod Sayankar
18. Role of IT in Banking Sector and Effective E-Banking in 21st Century
Prof. Aesha Aleem
19. How Effective Promotional Schemes Became Backbone for the Survival of “URJA” in Pune City
Prof. Kishor Gaikwad, Prof. Sunil Darawade
20. Transformation in Logistics in the Context of Army to Make it More Efficient and Cost-effective
Brig Ajay Kumar Lal
21. An Analytical Study of Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour with Special Reference to Youths Watching Bollywood Movies
Dr. Shriram Shaligram Shimpi
22. IT Revolutions by Cloud Computing
Prof. Anil Kumar, Prof. Rahul Yadav, Prof. Priyanka Hazare
23. Retail Innovation − A Case Study of Big Bazaar
Prof. Amarnath Patne, Prof. Rajashree N. Badage, Prof. Mahesh D. Mahankal
24. Competencies Required for Successful HR Professional in the Knowledge Economy
Prof. Anagha Uday Gokhale
25. Research Paper on Customer Value/Satisfication and Its Impact on Marketing
Dr. Mrs. J.V. Bhalerao, Mrs. J.V. Kowjalgi
26. Improving Individual and Organizational Performance through Competency Mapping
Prof. Jyotsna Lokhande, Prof. Dr. A.B. Dadas
27. Water Management for the Sustainable Development of the Rural Poor
Dr. M.S. Annapoorna
28. Recent Advances and Future Trend as in Respect of Managing Knowledge Worker
Prof. S.D. Bagade
29. Marketing and Its Aspect − Personal Loans of HSBC Bank (Nagpur)
Prof. Himanshu D. Tiwari, Mrs. Mamta S. Ghade
30. Role of IT in Banking Sector and Effective E-Banking in 21st Century
Prof. Harshal R Dayma, Prof. Abhay Pathak
31. Reverse Logistics: Backbone of Cost Reduction in Today`s Industry
Prof. Gautam Vikhe-Patil, Prof. Sachin Kharde
32. Financial Stability: The Challenge for Indian and Global Economy
Prof. Dr. Adinath B. Kuchanur
33. CRM in Computer Hardware Sector: A Study in the B to B Scenario in Delhi and NCR
Mrs. Divya Gupta, Dr. Swati Singh Yadav
34. Algorithm − The Backbone of the Programming Language
Prof. Deepmala Sihint
35. Neuromarketing: An Analysis of This Emotional Paradigm
Prof. Mrs. Deepa Kedar Rele
36. Redefining the HR Role and Its Significance in Implementing Six Sigma Methodologies
Prof. Anjana Menon
37. Impact of Sales Promotion on Consumer Behaviour in Marathwada Region
Prof. Jayant Shastri
38. A Case Study on the Impact of IPOs on Retail Investors
Prof. Debashree Jana, Dr. E.B. Khedkar, Dr. Bhawna Parmar, Prof. Amarish Padma
39. Effectiveness of Time and Motion Study and Job Analysis to Develop Productivity Standards of House Keeping Department in the Hospitality Industry
Prof. Dr. Seema M. Zagade
40. An Understanding of Brand Repositioning as a Survival Strategy for FMCG Sector
Prof. Priyanka Mathur Dhingra
41. Role of IT in Banking Sector and Effective Implementation of E-Banking
Mrs. Preety Shalla
42. Practical Use of Effective SHRM in Adverse Condition
Prof. Pratibha Amrut Rasal, Prof. Supriya Mohanrao Ghule
43. A Study on Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Modern and Traditional Retail Business in Modern Era in India
Prof. Atul R. Kadam, Prof. Pratap Pawar, Prof. Rishi Kumar, Prof. P.N. Mohite
44. `E-Banking and Its Services` is the Rousing Challenges of Management Systems and Practices in 21st Century
Miss Kavisha Nerkar, Miss. Pooja Aware
45. Analysis of the Consumer Decision-making Styles of Generation Y and Generation Z Consumers Based on the Consumer Styles Inventory
Prof. Pallavi K. Mhatre
46. Corporate Social Responsibility and Generation Y`s Sentiments, Awareness and Changing Face of Companies in 21st Century
Prof. Mukti P. Katariya
47. Application of Data Mining for Market Segmentation
Prof. Mugdha S. Phadnis, Prof. Prajakta S. Dhodapkar
48. A Study of Real Pullers of the Economy
Prof. Milind A. Kulkarni
49. Exigent Interpersonal Skills of HR in Managing Working Relationship during Partial Outsourced HR Functions of Recruitment and Payroll in IT Sectors within Pune Region
Dr. Meera Singh, Dr. Jaya Rangnani
50. Industrial Wireless Technology
Prof. Leena R. Deshmukh
51. Business Ethics, CG and CSR − A Challenging Strategy of Corporate
Prof. Gopal M. Alapure, Prof. Bandopant N. Muthe
52. A Case Study on Competency and Efficiency of HRM in the Acquisition of TC Springs by Mubea Suspension India Ltd.
Mr. Kishor Kenche, Prof. Dr. A.B. Dadas
53. A Case Study on Training and Development − A Tool to Enhance the Employee`s Productivity at Eaton GSSC, Pune
Prof. Wasanti Argade, Prof. Rohini Netke, Prof. Rajilaxmi Rangari, Prof. Priyanka Godse
54. Financial Stability: The Challenge for Indian and Global Economy
Prof. Roopali P. Kudare
55. Enhanced Decision-making using Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Prof. Sandeep Warate, Prof. Sanjit Waghole, Prof. Swata Wankhede, Prof. Kiran Patil
56. Understanding Consumers Perceived Characteristics of Internet Banking Adoption
Dr. A.N. Barbole, Prof. Santosh D. Parakh
57. CRM is a Tool for Gaining Competitive Advantage in Marketing for Facing Challenges
Prof. S.A. Jagtap, Prof. R.P. Babar
58. Impact of Management on Sustainable Development of Indian Economy
Prof. Subhash Dhone
59. Management Support − A Key Factor in Organizational Development
Shweta Magidwar, Prof. Dr. A.B. Dadas
60. A Comparative Study of Operating Systems Used in Mobile Computing with Special Focus on iOS, Android and WebOS
Prof. Shubhada Talegaon, Prof. Yogita Nagpure, Prof. Ashok Kumar, Prof. Reshma Nathani
61. Financial Stability: The Challenge for Indian and Global Economy
Prof. Swati Jain
62. The Role of E-Learning − A Review
Dr. P.V. Kulkarni
63. To Study the Innovative Recruitment and Selection Strategies to Meet the Increasing Demand of Personnel in Retail Sector
Prof. Varsha Murhe, Prof. Shailaja Praharaj, Prof. Shreekala P. Bachhav, Prof. Deepmala Mandal
64. Redefining Training: Nurturing Talent
Prof. Preeti Shirodkar
65. To Study the Effectiveness of Geographical Instructional Programme through E-Learning Concept among 8th Std. Students
Prof. Shubhangee Ramaswamy, Prof. Sapan Kumar Singh, Prof. Tanveer Shaikh
66. Effective Modern Promotion is the Backbone of Today`s Marketing Strategy with Special Reference of Impact of Surrogate Advertising on Youngsters
Prof. Shweta Sharma, Prof. Shailesh Rajhans
67. A Case Study on Customer Satisfication for Bharat Sanchan Nigam Limited
Dr. Bhawna Parmar, Prof. Deepmala Mandal, Dr. O.P. Haldar, Prof. Debashree Jana
68. Pervasive Computing Technologies Applications in India
Mr. Waman R. Parulekar
69. A Comparative Study of KDD Methodologies
Mrs. Bharati M. Ramageri
70. Research Paper on `A Study on Portfolio Management Service as a Tool of Investment`
Prof. Vidya S. Shinde
71. New Challenging Criteria for Segmentation and Differentiation in Competitive Market
Prof. Sandeep N. Lepse
72. A Study on Training Practices in Development Sector Organizations − A Comparative Analysis
Prof. Ansumalini Panda, Dr. Sasadhar Manna, Prof. Amruta Kapoor
73. A Study on Awareness About Gree IT in Management Students with Reference to Pune City
Prof. Ms. Ujwala M. Bairagi


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Dr. E.B. Khedkar,

Dr. O.P. Haldar


Himalaya pub