Look Inside

Information Management


SKU: 619117084700 Category:

An information system (IS) is any combination of information technology and people`s activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision-making. In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, algorithmic processes, data and technology. In this sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) an organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes.

Some make a clear distinction between information System, and computer System ICT and processes. Information System are distinct from information technology in that an information system is typically seen as having an ICT component. Information System are also different from business processes. Information System help to control the performance of business processes.

Initially in businesses and other organizations, internal reporting was made manually and only periodically, as a by-product of the accounting system and with some additional. statistic(s), and gave limited and delayed information on management performance. Previously, data had to be separated individually by the people as per the requirement and necessity of the organization. Later, data was distinguished from information, and so instead of the collection of mass of data, important and to the point data that is needed by the organization was stored.

Earlier, business computers were mostly used for relatively simple operations such as tracking sales or payroll data, often without much detail. Over time, these applications became more complex and began to store increasing amount of information while also interlinking with previously separate information system. As more and more data was stored and linked and began analyze this information into further detail, creating entire management reports from the raw, stored data. The term “MIS” arose to describe these kinds of applications, which were developed to provide managers with information about sales, inventories and other data that would help in managing the enterprise.


Contents :

Chapter-1 : Information System
Chapter-2 : Classification of System
Chapter-3 : Categories of MIS
Chapter-4 : Classification of MIS
Chapter-5 : Development of Information System
Chapter-6 : Database Management System
Chapter-7 : Business Applications of Information Technology




Year of publication





424 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Mr. Abdullah Khan


Himalaya pub