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Who Cares? Socio-economic Conditions of Nurses in Mumbai


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In the context of acute shortage of nurse across the globe and particularly in developing countries like India, the present book examines the socio-economic condition of nurses employed in private and public health care institution of two selected wards in Mumbai.

Based on survey data and interview, the book explores various aspects of working conditions of nurkload, occupational health and safety, grievance redressal mechanism, support system, union affiliation besides others and the impact that it has on the physical, psychological and familial well-being of nurses.

The author also identifies key measures such as increase in budgetary allocation for nursing education, better working condition that include better remuneration, opportunities for career advancement, greater involvement of nurses in decision-making occupational safety among others that need to be implemented on a priority basis to support, motivate and retain nurses for te efficient delivery of health care services.

One of the persistent problem faced by health system around the world is the acute shortage of health workers. While global population is continually increasing, the number of health workers has not kept pace with increasing demand for them. Both developing and developed countries are reeling under the crisis caused by their short supply, Faced with a future of law fertility and an increasing ageing population (and consequently, greater incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases). The demand for health workers in developed countries is continuously rising With the labour market for health workers becoming increasingly international, a number of developed countries are actively recruiting well trained and English speaking nurses from health care institutions in developing countries like India to plug shortages in their own countries. This has aggravated shortages of skilled workers in these countries and has seriously undermined their ability to provide universal health care.

Contents :

1. Introduction
2. Present Study
3. Review of Literature
4. Socio-economic Profile of Respondent Nurses in Selected Wards of Mumbai
5. Nurses and their Working Condition
6. Summary, Finding and Recommendation
Appendix : Interview Schedule


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Aarti Prasad


Himalaya pub