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Zoology (Sem 1, Bengaluru City Univ (NEP))


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This books is the first in a series of textbooks of Undergraduate students who have been chosen Zoology as a major subject. The book has been written as per the NEP syllabus proposed by the Bengaluru City University and is being followed by other Universities.

The book contains both theory and practical components of First semester Paper-I (Core course-I).

The syllabus is designed to bring about an understanding of basic concepts of Genetics and Cell Biology.

Their Proposed course outcome or CO’s are-

The student will be understand

1. The structure and function of the cell organelles.
2. The chromatin structure and its location
3. The basic principles of life, how a cell divides leading to the growth of an organism and how it reproduces to form a new organism.
4. How a cell communicates with its neighboring cells
5. The principles of inheritance, Mendel’s laws and the deviations.
6. How environment plays an important role by interacting with genetic factors.
7. Detection of chromosomal aberrations in humans and study of pedigree analysis.

With several years of teaching experience and having previously authored eight volume of Zoology text books, I have made an effort to simplify concepts for better understanding.


Contents –

Unit I
1. Ultra Structure and Function of Cell Organelles I in Animal Cell
2. Structure and Function of Cell Organelles II in Animal Cell
Unit II
3. Nucleus and Chromatin Structure
4. Cell Cycle, Cell Division and Cell Singnalling
Unit III
5. Mendelism and Sex Determination
6. Extensions of Mendelism, Genes and Environment
Unit IV
7. Human Chromosomes and Patterns of Inheritance
8. Infectious Diseases


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Year of publication






Vimala C. M.


Himalaya pub