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A Comprehensive Manual of Human Resource Management


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The challenge before HRM today is to evaluate the international scene under the business perspective and acquire the competitive skills among personnel to match with the changing structure. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of contemporary issues and growing concepts of HRM techniques and applications in multiple choice questions in simple and easily understandable style for the aspirants, who appear at competitive examinations. It is also in place to mention that it is an indispensable manual for management professionals in various fields.

Features :

  • Useful manual for students appearing at MBA and other Management Examinations; also aid to professionals.
  • HRM concepts are illustrated and simplified according to students needs.
  • Selected FORTY topics of HRM have been modified into 1240 multiple choice questions and answers under eight chapters.
  • Contains core concepts like-personality, attitude. These are helpful for Data Interpretation (DI) for the purpose of students appearing at Entrance examinations of elite Business Management Schools and Organisations.
  • Most relevant and useful for both students and management executives.


Contents :

1. Management Perspective
2. Recruitment and Selection, Promotion and Transfers, Job Analysis, Job Evaluation and Job Design, Merit Rating and Performance Appraisals, Wage and Salary Administration
3. Training and Development, Welfare and Social Security, Personal Records (Each employee), Research and Audit, Grievance and Discipline, Collective Bargaining, Settlement of Industrial Disputes, Industrial Democracy
4. Human Resource Planning and Labour Market, Concept of Leadership, Developing Creativity, Developing Creativity, Managerial Skills Fundamentals of Decision Making
5. Concept of Leadership, Developing Creativity, Developing, Managerial Skills, Fundamentals of Decision Making
6. Communication, Transactional Analysis in Communication, Group Dynamics, Informal Organisation, Counselling, job Satisfaction, Human Relation
7. Influence and Power in Organisation, Organisational Culture, Industrial Planning, Concepts of Organisational Behaviour (OB), Stress Management, Concepts of Human Accounting System
8. International Human Resource Management (HRM), Career Planning (An Overview), Personality, Attitude


Year of publication







366 (In Grams)

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Library Dollar Price



Dr. P.K.S. Menon


Himalaya pub