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A Study of Managerial Economics


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In the process of few topics like statistical tools, reserved items for Small-Scale Industries have been weeded out.

The third edition was brought out in 1994. During this four-year period from 1994-98 many useful suggestions have been made by renowned faculty teaching Managerial Economics of MBA and Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management.

A thorough interaction with them and the students of MBA brought to the surface some important things they are looking for.

These important points and the syllabuses of some leading Universities have been kept in mind while revising the book. A notable feature that I have added is, a chapter on Managerial Technology which deals with the environmental scanning, the generic strategies, implementation of strategies, the policies of commitment of resources, strategonomics etc.

Content –

1. Introduction
2. Concepts and Methods
3. Objectives of the Firm
4. Location of the Firm
5. Competition
6. Demand Analysis
7. Demand Forecasting
8. Managerial Technology
9. Production Function
10. Cost Analysis
11. Inventory Management
12. Advertising
13. Price System
14. Capital Budgeting
15. Linear Programming
16. Input-Output Analysis
17. Game Theory and Decision-Making
18. Information System and Decision-Making
19. Economic Liberalisation and Economic Aspects
20. Economic Fluctuations and Causes
21. Price Policies and Marketing Management
Case Studies


Year of publication







404 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Prof. D. Gopalakrishna


Himalaya pub