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Administrative Law

The book is also useful to students of Mumbai University and the other universities teaching the Administrative Law.

All the countries in the world have their own administration and the law relating to that administration is dealt with in this book. The book is the lucid commentary, useful not only to professionals, jurists but also to lay men equally. The day and day out, the administrative actions are challenged in the Court of Law and that puts them to acid test. There are, therefore, plethora of case-laws in this branch of law. These cases laws are exhaustively dealt with in this book.
The glossary of words in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi will help the vernacular readers.
The glossary of words in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi will help the vernacular readers.
The Inquiry Commissions and Right of Information are the latest development in the administrative law. The book also covers these topics.
The book although avoids unnecessary discussions nonetheless the subject matter is dealt with total precision and with clarity.


Book Content of Administrative Law
1. Introduction
2. Rule of Law
3. Separation of Powers
4. Executive – Secretarial Limb of Government
5. Executive – The Government
6. Executive – Right of Information Act
7. Executive – Municipal, Public and Statutory Corporations
8. Executive – Control on Lokpal
9. Legislation and Delegation
10. Principles of Natural Justice
11. Judiciary – Courts, Writs, Tribunals and Lok-Adalats
12. Judiciary – Ordinary and Equitable Remedies against the State – Torts and Specific Relief
13. Doctrines and Legal Principles

Year of publication









Student Dollar Price



I.A. Saiyed


Himalaya pub