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Agricultural Business Management


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Agriculture Business Management plays an important role in India`s economic scenario and developmental strategy, and in particular in the areas of rural development, farming practices, introduction of innovative and indigenous technologies that are economical, viable and feasible easily adoptable in Indian farming sector. Further in the field of modernization globalization and self-reliance.

Agricultural Business Management has been introduced as core subject to MBA and BBA students course curriculum by Bharati Vidyapeeth University and also many other agriculture universities in India in their Post Graduate and Graduate Courses.

Rural India is evolving, dynamic and stood on its own for centuries. Country`s rural area`s population is more than one-tenth and it has become necessary to understand their lifestyles, livelihood, and standards of living in agrarian economy. Further this book outlines how agricultural business management and agricultural business management and agricultural marketing can give multiplier effect for continuous advancement of the Indian economy in all aspects. Rural Segments in Indian economy are under backwardness, illiteracy, ignorance, and living in unhygienic conditions without any basic amenities and sanitation.

Contents :

Unit 1
1. Introduction the Indian Agricultural Economy: Characteristics, Importance and Economic Planning
2. Relevance of Agribusiness Management
3. Agribusiness: Meaning, Nature and Importance
4. Structure and Forms of Agribusiness and Role of  WTO
5. Basic Infrastructural Facilties for Agribusiness
Unit 2
6. Role of Corporate Sector and Agri Export
7. Farm Business Management
8. Indian Agriculture in Historical Context
Unit 3
9. Food Processing Units-Agro-based Industries
10. Government Schemes / Programmes in the Agriculture Sector
11. Marketing-Agriculture Marketing
12. Role of Government in Promoting Agricultural Marketing
13. Outlook-Challenges in Indian Agriculture Marketing
14. Governmental Programmes for Rural Development
Unit 4
15. Linkages of Agro Industries to Indian Economy
16. National Food Processing Policy (NFP)
17. Various Agro-Processing Industries
18. Scope


Year of publication







574 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Prof. H.L. Nagaraja Murthy


Himalaya pub