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An Introduction to Mathematical Methods


SKU: 01e74625395d Category:

The book on hand “An Introduction to MATHEMATICAL METHODS” is an introductory text book designed primarily for B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., M.A., M.Com., and M.B.A., Courses in Indian Universities. There are many text books on Mathematical Methods by Foreign as well as Indian Authors. However most of those books are above the standard of on average students. Hence this book is mainly written for the beginners.

Special Features of The Book –
– The main aim in writing this book is to provide precise and concise exposition of the methods and techques of Mathenatics along with their application in Economics and Business to the beginners.
– The foremost feature of this book is the lucid style and simplicity of expression.
– The numerous solved examples backed up by unsolved exercises at the end of each chapter will make the students familiar with the mathematical tools and their application in Economics and Business.
– It Covers the syllabi designed in the new curriculum of the Indian Universities.
– Another feature of book is that it also covers most area of the syllabi prescribed in Autonomous Colleges of Indian Universities.


Contents :

1. Introduction
2. Progressions
3. Trigonometric Ratios
4. Permutations and Combination
5. Binomial Theorem
6. Differential Calculus
7. Integral Calculus
8. Set Theory
9. Matrices
10. Linear Programming


Year of publication







416 (In Grams)

Book Code


Students Dollar Price



D. Bose


Himalaya pub