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Applied and Developmental Biology


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First of all I bow my head in front of almighty “Allah” who flourished me with opportunities and instincts for pursuing my career. Vocabulary in spite of all developments is still imperfect to express the feelings of gratitude, because when expressed in a word is only half its acknowledgement. Perhaps certain feelings are best expressed when left unsaid. Applied and Developmental Biology is rapidly evolving field that will continue to grow and maintain excitement over the next few decades. The present concise book has been designed very meticulously to introduce to readers the basic concepts of Applied and Developmental Biology. However, as a result of rapid advances in the field of Applied Zoology, it is preferred to treat this discipline as a separate course at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Applied Biology is the scientific management of a natural phenomenon covering a spectrum of areas of research to economic advantages. To provide livelihood and reduction of rural poverty is a paramount goal of the developing countries like India as the preponderating number of the poor population still resides in the countryside. The World Bank, for example, estimates that more than 70% of the world’s poor live in rural area. A number of initiatives and strategies have been taken to address this concern besides creation of avenues for employment both under agriculture and non-agriculture sector. Applied Biology depicts the economic biology, which is one of the best suited occupation for ideal growth and development. Developmental biology is not confined to the study of the development of embryo but portrays the genetic, biochemical and morphological aspects of the entire developmental period of the individual organism. The present book also attempts to illustrate some human disorders in separate chapters, depicting whys and hows of human disorders. The layout of the chapters and the choice of topics have been designed to meet the needs of undergraduate students of Indian Universities.


Contents –

1. Sericulture
2. Apiculture
3. Developmental Biology
4. Diabetes
5. Malaria
6. Hepatotoxicity (Liver Toxicity)
7. Tuberculosis
8. Practical Icthyology
Selected Readings