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Artificial Intelligence (Mumbai Univ)

Student Price 225.00

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It is a great pleasure for presenting First Edition of Revised syllabus of the Book “Artificial Intelligence” to the students of B.Sc. (IT) This book is written to cover all the topics of syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai for T.Y.B.Sc. (IT).

Welcome to the wumpus world. A new fresh world of Artificial Intelligence. Where intelligence is not limited to humans anymore. It is nurtured in the machines and their DNA. The book which we are presenting will help clearing the basics of AI and shall be helpful in building the fundamentals of AI and future. Artificial Intelligence has its roots in several fields ranging from our daily lives to rocket science. We will get to learn those fundamentals of AI on which entire history is built.

The concept and theory of each topic is followed by the theoretical explanation, some self assessment questions and all practical solutions of Artificial Intelligence, according to University pattern, are provided at the end of this book. Efforts have been made to make the text easy to read and understand. In this book, we have covered all types of programs expected by University of Mumbai in practical examination. At the end of this book, sample question paper is given for the student practice.


Contents –

Unit – I
1. Introduction
2. Intelligent Agent
Unit – II
3. Solving Problems by Searching
4. Beyond Classical Search
Unit – III
5. Adversarial Search
6. Logical Agents
Unit – IV
7. First Order Logic
8. Inference in First Order Logic
Unit – V
9. Planning
10. Knowledge Representation
Artificial Intelligence Practicals