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Basics of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics

Student Price 600.00

SKU: PSM0371 Category:

In this book, special attention is imposed on developing the reasoning capability for dealing mathematical tools. In spite of various positive aspects of learning computer, mere acquiring the technique of computation fails to develop an analytical mind which mathematics can serve. While giving logical explanation to each concept, ample examples have been incorporated. Moreover, at the end of each chapter good numbers of sums have been worked out for the students who are weak in mathematics. Although this book is primarily meant for undergraduate students, a special thrust is emphasized for the students in commerce stream.


Contents –

1. Basic Concepts
2. Theory of Sets
3. Functions
4. Limit
5. Derivative of a Function
6. Maxima and minima of Function
7. Functions of Several Variables
8. Maxima and Minnima : Case of Several Variables
9. Integration
1. Introduction
2. Collection of Data
3. Classification and Tabulation
4. Diagrammatic Representation
5. Measures of Central Tendency
6. Dispersion
7. Moments, Skewness, Kurtosis
8. Correlation and Regression
9. Index Number
10. Time Series
11. Probability Theory
12. Sampling Theory